January 9, 2017 |
Cedarville's campus during a winter snowfall

A shot of campus during a winter snowfall

Website statistics for December, 2016.

Domain: cedarville.edu


  • 439,413 Sessions by 163,427 Users
  • 28.59% New Sessions
  • 40.23% On Campus
  • 59.77% Off Campus


  • Chrome 57.0%
  • Safari 23.06%
  • Firefox 6.31%
  • IE 5.91%
  • Safari iOS 3.29%
  • Edge 3.15%
  • Other 1.28%


  • Windows 53.77%
  • iOS 18.38
  • Macintosh 17.97%
  • Android 7.63%
  • Linux 1.22%
  • Chrome OS 0.87%
  • Other 0.16%

Mobile Traffic

  • Total 26.55%
  • iOS 69.22%
  • Android 28.72%
  • Windows 1.94%
  • Other 0.12%

Top Content (Students 21.22%)

  • moodle.cedarville.edu
  • cedarville.edu home page
  • google apps
  • cedarinfo
  • student homepage
  • faculty & staff

Top Content (General 78.78%)

  • cedarville.edu home page
  • Moodle
  • google apps
  • help pages (import excel data into a word table)
  • help pages (repeat spreadsheet column headers at top of page)
  • help pages (how to parse data split column into two)

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